AutoCAD Shortcuts
AutoCAD can be defined as the use of computer systems to assist in the creation, modification, optimization of a design. In this, we can create both 2D and 3D drawings used in construction and manufacturing. It was developed by John Walker in the year 1982 with the help of AUTODESK and maintain it successfully. It is most commonly used for creating and modifying 2D & 3D designs for professional drafting with detail measurement information about the conceptual design and layout of product, also available in 14 different languages with respect to location. This software is widely preferred in the industries of Mechanical, Telecom, Civil, Architectural Engineering. It stands on demand to students and industries because of its requirements.
Listed below are the shortcut key commands and its usage under the specializations of Blocks, Control Keys, Dimensioning, Drawing Objects, Function Keys, Coordinate System and other commonly used commands.
ATT Opens attribute definition dialogue box
ATTEDIT Edit attribute values for a specific block
B Opens block dialogue box in order to make a block
BATTMAN Opens block attribute manager
BATTORDER Displays attribute order dialogue box
BC Closes the block editor
BCOUNT Counts the blocks in a drawing
BE Opens the edit block definition dialogue box
EATTEXT Enhanced attribute extraction wizard to count blocks
GATTE Global attribute edit of multiple blocks
I Opens insert dialogue to insert a block
MINSERT Insert block in rectangular array
REFEDIT Edit a block reference in place
REN Opens rename dialogue box to rename blocks, layers, etc
W Write a block - for use in other drawings
XLIST Lists type/block name/layer name/color/line-type of a nested object
Common Commands
A Draw an arc
AL Align an object with another
AP Opens application load dialogue box
AR Opens array dialogue box
AUDIT Audit drawing for errors
AV Opens Ariel view of drawing
B Opens block dialogue box
C Draw a circle
CO Copy an object
CHA Chamfer between 2 non-parallel lines
COL Opens select color dialogue box
D Opens dim-style manager
DC Opens design center
DI Check a distance
DIV Inserts point node a set division
DO Draw a solid donut shape
DV Perspective view
E Erase a selection
EX Extend a selection
F Draw an arc between 2 intersecting lines
FI Opens filter dialogue box
FLATTEN Converts 3D to 2D
G Launches the group dialogue box
H Opens hatch and gradient dialogue box
I Insert a block
IM Launches image manager
J Joins 2 objects to form single object
JPGOUT Creates a JPEG file of current drawing
L Draw a line
LA Opens layer manager
LE Draw a leader line (may need to adjust settings)
LEAD Leader line with annotation
LI or LS Display information about objects in a text window
LO Creates a new layout tab
LTS Change the line-type scale
M Move a selection
MA Match properties of an object
ME Inserts point node at input distance
O Offset a selection
OP Launches options dialogue box
P Pan in drawing
PE Edit a poly line
PL Draw a poly line
PLOT Opens plot/print dialogue box
PO Point marker
PR Opens properties dialogue box
PRE Preview a plot
PU Opens purge dialogue box to remove unused elements
RE Regenerate the display
REC Draw a rectangle
REN Opens rename dialogue box to rename blocks, layers, etc
RO Rotate a selection
SP Spell check a selection
T Insert multi-line text
TB Opens insert a table dialogue box
TP Displays tool-palette
TR Trim a selection
U Undo last command
UN Opens units dialogue box
V Opens view dialogue box
W Write a block
WHOHAS Displays who has a drawing open
X Explode a selection
XR Opens x-reference manager
Z Zoom in display
Control Keys
CTRL+0 Turns user interface elements on/off
CTRL+1 Turns properties on/off
CTRL+2 Turns design center on/off
CTRL+3 Turns tool palettes window on/off
CTRL+8 Launches calculator window
CTRL+A Select all
CTRL+C Copies objects to clipboard
CTRL+H Turns a group on or off
CTRL+J Repeats last command
CTRL+N Opens create new drawing dialogue box
CTRL+O Opens the select file dialogue box
CTRL+P Opens the plot dialogue box
CTRL+R Switches between view ports
CTRL+S Opens the save drawing as dialogue box
CTRL+V Pastes data from clipboard to drawing
CTRL+X Removes select object from drawing to clipboard
CTRL+Y Performs the operation cancelled by UNDO
CTRL+Z Undoes the last operation
CTRL+TAB Switches between open drawings
CTRL+PAGE UP Switch up between layout tabs
CTRL+PAGE DOWN Switch down between layout tabs
ARROW UP/DOWN Recall last command
CTRL+8 Displays the calculator
D Opens dimension style manager dialogue box
DAL Aligned linear dimension line
DAN Angular dimension line
DAR Arc length dimension
DBA Ordinate dimension from baseline of previous dimension
DCO Ordinate dimension from 2 extension line of previous dimension
DDI Diameter dimension for circles and arcs
DED Edit dimension text on dimension objects
DI Check a distance
DIMCENTER Creates center mark
DLI Linear dimension
DOR Ordinate point dimension
DOV Override dimension style
DRA Radial dimension for circles and arcs
ID Display the co-ordinate values of a point
UN Opens drawing units dialogue box
Drawing Objects
A Draw an arc with 3 points
B Opens block dialogue box in order to make a block
BO Draw a boundary
C Draw a circle
DO Draw a solid donut shape
DT Single line text
DIV Inserts point node a set division
EL Draw an ellipse
F Draw an arc between 2 intersecting lines
G Opens object grouping dialogue
H Opens hatch and gradient dialogue box
L Draw a line
LE Draw a leader line (may need to adjust settings)
LEAD Leader line with annotation
ML Draw multi-line
O Offset an object by distance
PL Draw a poly-line - a complex line
PO Point marker or node
POL Draw a regular polygon 3 to 1024 sides
RAY Construction line in one direction
REC Draw a rectangle
REG Region (shading, for example)
REVCLOUD Revision cloud
SPL Spline or smooth curve along points
WIPEOUT Masks part of drawing for clarity
XL Construction line of infinite length
Function keys
F1 Opens AutoCAD help
F2 Switches between text screen and graphic area
F3 Switches osnap on/off
F5 or CTRL+E Cycles through isoplanes
F6 or CTRL+D Turns coordinate display on/off
F7 or CTRL+G Turns grid on/off
F8 or CTRL+L Turns ortho on/off
F9 or CTRL+B Turns snap on/off
F10 or CTRL+U Turns polar on/off
F11 or CTRL+W Turns object snap tracking on/off
F12 Turns dynamic input on/off
Coordinate Entry
#X,Y Location measured by distance from 0,0 in current UCS
@X,Y Location measured by distance from last point
#distance<angle Location measured by distance and angle from 0,0 in current UCS
@distance<angle Location measured by distance and angle from last point
.x or.y or .xy etc Location by extracting and combining coordinate values from 2 or 3 points
distance Location direct from current position in direction of movement
<angle An angle override from current point
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