Minimizing Defects in Plastering Work


Plastering Work - Minimizing Defects

Defects in plastering work can be minimized by following the below mentioned techniques.

1. The brick and plastering work should be carried out by skilled masons in the best workmanship manner.

2. Bond of brick work should be properly maintained.

3. Efflorescence is removed by rubbing brushes on the damaged surface. A solution of one part of hydrochloric acid or sulphuric acid and five parts of clean water is prepared and it is applied with the help of brushes on the affected area. The surface is then washed with clean water. It should, however be remembered that it is desirable to prevent efflorescence than to cure it. Building material should be selected of superior quality and suitable methods of construction should be employed.

4. Water should not be used to wash the surface so as to remove efflorescence. In that case, soluble salts will be partly carried inside the surface and efflorescence will appear again. For this purpose, the deposit is brushed off from the surface as it appears and the surface is kept under observation for a further period of few days. After curing, if efflorescence appears again it is removed with a dry brush and the process is repeated till all the soluble salts are removed under the conditions of normal drying. It is advisable to postpone painting till efflorescence ceases.

5. Bricks of superior nature should only be used for brick work.

6. Water free from salts should be used for brick work and plastering work.

7. The surface to be plastered should be well watered so that it may not absorb water from the plaster.

8. Excessive trowelling should be avoided.

9. Damp-proof courses should be provided at convenient places in the building.

Plastering Work - Minimizing Defects

10. The overall construction should be such that penetration of moisture is prevented.

11. Fresh plastered surfaces should be protected from the superfluous quantity of water such as rain and excessive heat such as sun.

12. The concrete surface which is generally plain and smooth should be hacked to form kay when the concrete is green i.e. the moment the shutters are removed. However, this point is generally neglected and the work of plastering is taken up in a hurry on the surfaces a it is or with slight hacking. This will lead to peeling at later stage.

13. If the surface is not properly hacked, there are two alternatives to make the surface rough:

Clean the surface by water so as to keep surface wet & an acid treatment with 1 part of muriatic acid diluted in 10 to 20 parts of water applied on the surface. More than one coat may be necessary. After this treatment the wall should be washed through with water to remove all traces of acid.

Sometimes, some surfaces cannot be roughened by acid also and the better method would be a spatter dash key.

In brickwork, raking of joints on the finished side should be done as soon as the day’s brickwork is over to provide effective keys for holding the plaster.

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